CEG, Coopérathon, fall 2020 is coming!

34 leaders, 13 canadian cities, 6 provinces made the Canadian Ecosystem Gathering’s first edition a complete success.

Looking towards 2020 and years to come, the future seems bright for this Mangrove coordinated program.

The main themes of CEG 2020: “Diversity and Inclusion”, and “Francophonie”. This year, due to the special circumstances, workshops will be given online. Dozens of Canadian innovation ecosystem leaders will come together to exchange and collaborate around different strategic topics.

A notable new initiative for this edition is the launching of the Fireside Chats Series. They will be held on Sept. 24th, Oct. 20th and Nov. 29th. Partnered with 7 universities from Atlantic Canada, these “Fireside” discussion hubs will allow female-identifying entrepreneurs to share their experiences with female-identifying entrepreneurial students.

Stay tuned, the official CEG fall schedule wil be available soon.

In addition, the Coopérathon starts rolling on Sept. 30th. In collaboration with Mangrove and the CEG, this month-long innovation competition will bring Canadian innovation leaders to use their collective intelligence on important societal issues for our future (green energies, culture, etc.).

Collaborating with the Coopérathon puts the pancanadian network into the spotlight, and also allows us to contribute to the competition’s programming by animating a two-hour long workshop. On the program: market validation, ecosystems and networks opening.

The Canadian Ecosystem Gathering (CEG) is a human-centred community that aims to nurture collaborations between Canadian innovation ecosystems. For further information on the community -and events of the CEG-, visit: ecosystemgathering.ca

The “Cercle des Leaders”, act 1!

Explore the new realities of leadership and economic, social, family and mental health issues to better equip you for successful organizational transformation!

We are pleased to launch the “Cercle des Leaders”. A new coaching program that will take the form of a learning circle, co-created with TechnoMontréal.

Each cohort (moderated by David Gobeille-Kaufman and Pascal Beauchesne) will last 8 weeks and will be composed of 8 to 12 technology leaders from across Québec.

The topics discussed during these sessions:

  • Work-life Balance

  • Teleworking - Challenges and Benefits

  • New Leadership Forms (Conscious Leadership)

  • New Team Engagement Strategies (Employer Brand)

  • Time Management and Priorities

  • Overall Health vs Mental Health

  • Making Work Meaningful / Values

  • New KPIs of companies (BCorp, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec)

Our experts :

  • Martin Enault - Entrepreneur and Mental Health Ambassador in Québec

  • Geneviève Provencher - MyFlow

  • Chloé Frelson - URelles

  • Emmanuel Bochud - Organizational Management Expert

  • Janine Hopkinson - Conscious Leadership Coach

  • Lauren Jane Heller - Focus Hub

  • Dr Mario Messier - Groupe Entreprises en santé

  • Dr Pierrich Plusquellec - EmoScienS

  • Julie Nadon - Behavioural Agility and Emotional Intelligence Coach


Register here - Cercle des Leaders

A new face in team Mangrove!

We have the pleasure of introducing Antoine Rossi - Marketing and Digital Presence Coordinator to the Mangrove/CEG team!

Antoine ROSSI-photo Mangrove w banner.png

"Passionate about marketing and new trends, I studied at HEC Montreal as part of my B.A.A in Marketing and International Business. After my exchange in Seoul (South Korea) rich in experiences and adventures, the desire to use my skills for an organization with a national and international focus materialized with the offer of an internship at Mangrove! I can't wait to get started!" Rossi.

He is already showing to be a fantastic addition to the team and we cannot wait to see him grow in his new role!

The Canadian Ecosystem Gathering is back

Canadian Ecosystem Gathering ; a glimpse at the new branding by Rita Studio

Canadian Ecosystem Gathering ; a glimpse at the new branding by Rita Studio

Last summer, I heard about something Mangrove prototyped at Startupfest ; a space where collaboration between canadian innovation ecosystems can happen, easily, in a lean way. I was really enthousiast to ear about a project that reached my interest in collaboration, innovation and communities. I was aware of the work of Mangrove as we collaborated previously. When I saw they were looking for a project manager to take over the Canadian Ecosystem Gathering, I was really anxious to have the chance to seize this opportunity.

So last february, I picked up the phone and made more than 50 phone calls to participants from last year, trying to have a sense on how their CEG experience grew in the last 9 months. Talking to many innovating ecosystem leaders of provinces throughout Canada, I really aimed to understand how similar some of their needs are, capturing their distinctive challenges to support their relations between ecosystems.  

We started collaborating with 4 majors events throughout Canada to organise 4 Canadian Ecosystem Gathering. Then, Covid -19. I don’t have to elaborate why we questioned the project, the options and the intentions. 

Therefore, we feel, more than ever do we have common reality as of now. I believe the CEG are great opportunities to serve the real needs of innovating ecosystems throughout the crisis and afterwards, when life just continues.

The Canadian Ecosystem Gatherings (CEG) is a series of exchange circles and collaborative working sessions created between leaders of Canadian ecosystems. The CEG will now happen through a yearly process of frequent meeting points along with thematics commonly identified to collaborate around.

The CEG Community will nurture consistency in gathering points and sustain human relations. The goal of each CEG community will be to highlight common issues, best practices exchange and collaboration.

The CEG Thematic will allow regular working sessions and partnership development aligned in needs and coherence to the theme.

Through collective intelligence, innovation and entrepreneurship, these collaborative rendez-vous aim to facilitate collaborative structuring projects in favor of the community economic development throughout Canada. 

I am eager to announce that the #CanadianEcosystemGathering #CEG is back . We are building a program directly linked to you, your community and its reality.

We're happy to invite you to take part to the 1st Canadian Ecosystem Gathering (CEG) of 2020, happening on may 12th @noon within #connectingintelligence  in collaboration with #mtlnewtech 

Its COVID proof, its online ! Save your spot, register HERE

You wanna be posted on upcoming events and great news ? JOIN the digital exchange group created

Amélie Arès works for entrepreneurial ecosystem relations, culture and communication with Mangrove. She is also in charge of the Canadian Ecosystem Gathering.

With her atypical background, Amélie always aspired to contribute to the development of knowledge and know-how for the benefit of multiple communities. With several years of field experience at the heart of multiple cultural, technological, social and philanthropic projects, she navigates easily between the categories, the boxes established between the disciplines. 


Keeping a stiff upper lip : a free workshop toward grant and income diversification to overcome the turmoil.

Resilience, rigor, good energy and a good financial strategy are key to sustain our canadian organisations.Together, members of the Canadian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, we must enact our capacity to collaborate as it  will be decisive toward successful outcomes for the upcoming years.

In this sense, our team can provide you with support toward receiving subsidy and governmental aids for which your organisation is eligible. We can help you redesign your value proposition  to diversify incomes and prepare for an economic recovery.

To that end,  Mangrove offers a free remote and  personalized workshop toward short term grant and income diversification.  We allow 60 to 90 minutes to highlight development and financing opportunities specific to your organisation, whether corporate or non-for profit.

  • Eligibility validation and subsidy approval

  • Redesigned value proposition 

  • Listing of targeted new audience/customers 

  • Preliminary business development strategy ready to deploy with your team.

Businesses facing limited human resources to deploy the strategy and its optimized business development, we are available to  help through partial execution in close collaboration with your team.

Important specification :  This free workshop is not ideal for all. We came up with this Flash Formula workshop in  time of crisis. Its successful outcome/results will depend on important factors :

  • Openness to change

  • A good knowledge of your industry and your business model

  • In favor of business development benefits

  • Agility and willingness to take action, test and validate

If you feel we can help you overcome the turmoil, we would be happy to hear from you and set a virtual appointment with one of your team members.

David Gobeille-Kaufman - Business development, commercialization et innovation  - david @mangrovemtl.com

Amélie Arès -  Entrepreneurial ecosystem, Cultural industry and grants/subsidies    - amelie@mangrovemtl.com

Pierre Gauthier -   Business development, strategy, grants/subsidies and financing  - pierre@mangrovemtl.com

Bernard Bélanger -Business development, commercialization and digital transition - bernard@mangrovemtl.com 

Stéphane Pipon - Business development executive advisor, strategy, grants/subsidies and  financing.

Mariane Drouin - Business planning & analysis

Our expertises to help you now :

  • Grant application and governmental aids  

  • Product Development  turnover

  • Development of  new markets

  • Lead generation

  • Commercialisation strategy

  • Export Preparedness toward post -COVID-19 (PEX et CanExport)  

  • Strategic partnership

  • Cashflow analysis and strategy support 

  • Special Projects

Who this offer is for ?

  • Innovative business

  • Technology -based companies

  • Creative Industry

  • Cultural Industry

  • Non-profit organization

  • Governments

  • Economic Development organisations, incubators et accelerators.

We did a fun thing at Startupfest! Canadian Ecosystem Gathering 2019

In collaboration with Startupfest and the Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC), Mangrove brought together 34 leaders from 6 different provinces across Canada to participate in the first Canadian Ecosystem Gathering. Together, they got their hands dirty and talked about collaboration between innovative ecosystems across the country. 

After a short portrait of Canada’s entrepreneurial ecosystem by Startup Canada and a case example of collaborations inside an ecosystem by Bonjour Startup Montreal, the leaders were divided into three discussion groups. 

Together, they got down to the basics: What’s collaboration all about and why is it relevant

They crunched their minds to provide good examples of collaboration throughout Canada, and what bad collaboration looks like

Most importantly: What concrete actions can improve collaboration throughout Canada? 

Every few days for the following weeks, we will share some insights that emerged from this collective knowledge on Mangrove’s Facebook page

You want to binge-read the entire report? Be our guest! You can download it HERE 


Once again, we would like to thank StartupfestSecrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes and the Canadian Ecosystem Gathering participants for taking part in this adventure with us! 

Nathalie Ouellet

Executive Director, Mangrove

Tournée Objectif Monde: les 5 Entrepreneurs gagnants dévoilés prêts à s'envoler pour SXSW!

Montréal, 30 janvier 2018. Lors de Expo Entrepreneurs, Place Bonaventure, le 24 janvier dernier, a eu lieu la grande finale de la Tournée Objectif Monde où 10 finalistes courraient la chance de remporter l'une des 5 places au sein de la délégation du Québec à South by South West (SXSW) Interactive 2018, du 9 au 14 mars, à Austin, Texas. Cinq gagnants issus des quatre coins de la province.

Durant la Grande Finale de la Tournée Objectif Monde, 10 finalistes ont pitché leur projet de startup devant un public d'entrepreneurs et un jury présidé par Patrick Perus, CEO de l'entreprise Polycor et membre du Conseil d'administration de Expo Entrepreneurs et accompagné de Gabrielle Larue, confondatrice de LocketGo, Yannick Cimon Mattar, cofondateur de lepointdevente.com et Raphaël Voscorian de Morency Avocats.

Evalués sur la qualité de leur présentation, le potentiel de rupture du produit, leur croissance à l'international et sur leur présence, les 10 finalistes devaient convaincre le public en seulement 3 minutes. A l'issue de ces présentations, 5 gagnants ont été désignés pour s'envoler à South by South West Interactive 2018, du 9 au 14 mars à Austin (Texas) avec la délégation Export Québec:

  • Raphaël Christian-Roy de Front Row Ventures (Montréal):  1er fonds en capital de risque géré par des étudiants au Canada qui se donne pour mission d'investir dans les étudiants les plus talentueux de Montréal.

  • Marc-Olivier Shüle de Myelin (Montréal): plateforme web qui donnera de l’information personnalisée et rigoureuse sur l'autisme aux parents, aux intervenants, aux personnes autistes et aux chercheurs grace à l'intelligence artificielle.

  • Philippe Dallaire de Igloo (Shawinigan): oreiller de voyage au design unique qui supporte tout le poids de la tête et procure un support à 360 degrés.

  • David Brouillette de Brew-It (Shawinigan): appareil technologique permettant d'automatiser le brassage de sa propre bière à domicile.

  • Guillaume Poirier de IR&T (Sherbrooke): scanner technologique de type PET scan (TEP) pour le marché préclinique.

Pour rappel, La Grande Finale de la Tournée Objectif Monde sonne la fin d'une série d’événements rassembleurs qui ont pris place dans 5 lieux majeurs de l'innovation au Québec: Espace Inc à Sherbrooke, Cilex à Gatineau, Digihub à Shawinigan, Le Camp à Québec et à la Maison des Régions à Montréal. Au total, plus de 150 personnes ont assisté aux prestations de 38 jeunes entrepreneurs.

La Tournée Objectif Monde est une initiative collaborative mise en place par le Neoshop, Desjardins et leGouvernement du Québec en collaboration avec Expo Entrepreneurs, Communautique et Tak Design afin d’offrir une plateforme d’échange sur le design thinking et la commercialisation de l’innovation aux entrepreneurs du Québec en plus de leur offrir l’opportunité de faire parti de la délégation du Québec lors de SXSW Interactive 2018, à Austin, Texas.

Regroupant 400 exposants, Expo Entrepreneurs est un rassemblement destiné à l'entrepreneuriat. Il a pour objectif de renforcer l'écosystème entrepreneurial au Québec en réunissant les principaux acteurs sous un même toit pendant deux jours. La première édition s'est tenue à la Place Bonaventure, à Montréal les 24 et 25 janvier 2018.

Octavie Albert
Stratège en communication | Immersion
B: 438.386.9949 | C: 415.926.0991

Missions commerciales #Mangrove et la délégation du Québec @ SXSW 2018 avec Export Québec

Depuis juillet 2016, Mangrove soutient la croissance des entreprises du Québec en collaborant à l’organisation de missions commerciales au Québec, au Canada et à l’International.

Client: Export Québec

Mission: Délégation du Québec @ SXSW 2018

Dates: 10 au 13 mars 2018

Site web: www.quebecsxsw.com

Description de l’événement

SXSW est une des plus importantes vitrines technologique et culturelle en Amérique du Nord avec plus de 421 900 participants provenant de 95 pays et plus de 4100 représentants des médias.

Objectifs du mandat:

  • Développer une identité de marque qui mettra en valeur l’audace et la créativité des entreprises en mission et du Gouvernement québécois;

  • Supporter Export Québec dans le recrutement de 50+ entreprises provenant des quatre coins du Québec;

  • Supporter Export Québec dans la réalisation d'une programmation qui positionnera le Québec comme un hub créatif, culturel et technologique de calibre international;

  • Soutenir l'ambission de Export Québec de faire de la mission Québec @ SXSW 2018 un outil de mobilisation pour l’ensemble de l’Écosystème entrepreneurial québécois.

Faits saillants:

  • Organisation de la Tournée Objectif Monde afin de promouvoir la mission Québec @ SXSW 2018 et permettre à 5 startups de gagner leur place au sein de la délégation.

Une présentation de LojiQ, Mazars et Morency Avocats.

En collaboration avec Neoshop, Desjardins Lab, Expo Entrepreneurs, Communautique, Info-entrepreneurs, La Ruche Québec, Hub Montréal, Cilex (Gatineau), Espace Inc (Sherbrooke), Le Camp (Québec), La Maison des régions (Montréal) et le Digihub (Shawinigan).

  • Organisation de la conférence de presse officielle conjointe entre Export Québec et la SODEC à la Maison des Régions;

  • Organisation et animation d’un panel avec Elizabeth Stéfanka (Stefanka), Sylvain Carle (Real Ventures), Raphaël Christian (Front Row Venture) et Harold Dumur (OVA), visant à outiller les délégués en vue de leur développement des affaires à SXSW.

En collaboration avec Export Québec, La SODEC, la Maison des Régions et la Ville de Montréal.

  • Réalisation d’une identité forte pour la délégation Québec @ SXSW 2018;

  • Réalisation d’un document de présentation pour le recrutement et le financement;

  • Réalisation d’un site internet pour la délégation .


En collaboration avec Rita Studio, Export Québec et le département des communications du Ministère de l’Économie, des Sciences et de l’innovation du Québec.

  • Développement de partenariats;

  • Co-création de la programmation de la Journée Québec (lundi 12 mars 2018) au RDV CANADA @ SXSW 2018.

En collaboration avec Export Québec, Téléfilm Canada, BCTQ, C2 Montréal, Montréal international, La Ville de Montréal, Pop Montréal, M pour Montréal, Hub Montréal, Beachclub et Bonsound.

Vous organisez une mission commerciale et désirez savoir comment l’équipe de Mangrove peut vous aider?

Contactez: Nathalie Ouellet

Mangrove | Directrice Générale | Nathalie@mangrovemtl.com